Wednesday 10 October 2012

Congratulations and Bon Voyage Dr Kent

Congratulations to Kent Lim, who has now officially completed his PhD! This makes Kent the first PhD student to complete in my group here at Macquarie. Yay!

Kent was extremely hard working and has made significant contributions to our understanding of Pseudomonas bacteria that live on plant roots and protect plants from pathogenic organisms. He has first author publications in PLoS One and Environmental Microbiology, co-authorship on a large paper in PLoS Genetics, another first author manuscript currently under review at Applied and Environmental Microbiology, and two more manuscripts currently in preparation.

Kent is now heading off to Charlotte, North Carolina, where he will be a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Martin Klotz at the University of North Carolina, where I think he is going to be working on global biogeochemical cycles and genome-guided metabolic reconstruction. We'll miss Kent here in the Paulsen lab, but wish him the best of luck in his future scientific endeavours!

Kent and Benny the Beaver (mascot of Oregon State University)- picture taken while Kent was visiting the lab of my collaborator, Joyce Loper in Oregon.

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